BirthdayBot (messaging)


Bot by Cisco Systems


Keep track of and celebrate birthdays amongst your team using the Birthday Bot!

Keep track of and celebrate birthdays amongst your team using the Birthday Bot!
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Bot by Cisco Systems

Now there’s a super easy way to keep track of and celebrate birthdays with your teams! Either direct message the Birthday bot or add it to any group space to get started. You can easily add, edit, or delete your birth day or month and request the bot to collect birthdays from users in the same space which it is added.

New users added to the space? No problem. Tell the Birthday bot "Add" in the group space and it will request only the new members in the space for their birthdays. Once birthdays are saved, the bot will share special birthday messages in any space that both the user and the bot are in on their special day.

Note: Your birthday may be shared in other internal spaces where Birthday bot has also been added, but it will never share your birthday in spaces where there are users from different organizations.



Now there’s a super easy way to keep track of and celebrate birthdays with your teams! Either direct message the Birthday bot or add it to any group space to get started. You can easily add, edit, or delete your birth day or month and request the bot to collect birthdays from users in the same space which it is added.

New users added to the space? No problem. Tell the Birthday bot "Add" in the group space and it will request only the new members in the space for their birthdays. Once birthdays are saved, the bot will share special birthday messages in any space that both the user and the bot are in on their special day.

Note: Your birthday may be shared in other internal spaces where Birthday bot has also been added, but it will never share your birthday in spaces where there are users from different organizations.